Membership LevelsThank you for your interest in the National Association of College Wind and Percussion Instructors, an organization of, by, and for collegiate instructors of wind and percussion instruments. Membership is also open to students and graduate assistants with an interest in studio teaching, retired studio instructors, and supporting musicians including accompanists and members of ensembles where participants include wind players and percussionists.Membership privileges include access to the online database of members, a subscription to the peer-reviewed NACWPI Journal, 10-year digital access to past Journal issues, the ability to participate in annual national conferences, and opportunities to serve the organization in numerous state, regional, and national positions.***Please note that membership in the organization is for a fixed period beginning March 1 each year regardless of join date. Enrolling in the organization on this day awards membership through the end of February.***ActiveAny person engaged in teaching wind and/or percussion instruments in a college, university, or conservatory. Voting rights. AssociateNon-voting associate membership open to any interested person. RetiredAny person retired from teaching wind and/or percussion instruments in a college, university, or conservatory. Voting rights.StudentNon-voting student membership open to college, university, or conservatory wind and/or percussion students. |
Registration Options
1. Register by mail: Application for NACWPI Membership or 2. Continue below to register online. PayPal, Credit Card, and Debit Card accepted: |